Give Something to Those Who Gave.
1st Tix provides tickets to events which reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, create positive memories, and encourage first responders to stay engaged with local communities and American life. We support the brave men and women who answer our emergency calls by honoring their service with positive family and life experiences.

1st Tix provides tickets to currently serving and retired law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs, nurses and 911 Dispatchers.

1st Tix secures tickets to sporting events, concerts, performing arts, educational and family activities across the nation. 1st responders sign up online. We verify their service. 1stTixers request tickets to events that interest them, then pay a small delivery fee to receive their free tickets.

1st Tix is powered by Vet Tix, which is a 99% back to program charity
(Independently audited past 14 years)

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  • Patriotism Honor and support to the men and women who serve their communities and our country. This unquestioned loyalty to our law enforcement officers, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, 911 Dispatchers, and their families provides the foundation for what 1st Tix is as an organization.
  • Support and Recognition A bumper sticker on your car shows support but sending a first responder to a game with their family is a real gift of gratitude.
  • Quality of Life First responders put their life on the line every day to ensure their communities’ safety, we would like to give to their quality of life..
  • Family We include family. First responders rely on the support of their families. We strengthen family bonds by encouraging shared experiences that create lasting memories.


Our first responders experience stress and trauma every day. There are approximately 1 million law enforcement officers, 1 million firefighters, 4 million nurses and 250,000 EMTs in the USA. This equates to less than 2 LEOs, Nurses, EMTs and firefighters for every 100 Americans

First responders are some of the most dangerous occupations in the country causing both mental and physical wounds that can stay with them the rest of their lives. One third of first responders have been diagnosed with depression or PTSD. Psychologists state that strong social networks are essential for managing stress and dealing with trauma.

We want to honor and support those that dedicate their lives to answering our emergency calls. Giving to our first responders and strengthening their morale and social networks is a gift of gratitude in which we all can take part.

Become A Monthly Sponsor Today

Tickets For Responders Tickets for Responders

The 1st Tix Tickets for Responders program, powered by Vet Tix, is dedicated to giving back to those who have given us so much. We team up with major sports teams, leagues, promoters, organizations, venues, and every day event ticket holders to provide free tickets to our military and 1st responders.

1st Tix & Vet Tix is proud to announce that to date 25,174,129 event tickets have been given out in all 50 States and Washington, DC to our military, veterans, first responders and their families.

(Numbers are calculated each night at midnight.)

  • 25,174,129 total event tickets have been given out to date.

Give Back To Our First Responders Today

1st Tix